1) Where do I have to live to be eligible?

You are required to have your primary residence in WXPN’s FM listening areas to be eligible. This includes all of WXPN’s frequencies including:

  • 88.5 FM Philadelphia/South Jersey/Wilmington
  • 91.9 FM North Jersey/Poconos
  • 88.7 FM Lancaster/York
  • 90.5 FM Worton/Baltimore
  • 99.7 FM Harrisburg

If you can hear us on your FM radio in your primary residence, then you are eligible.

2) Does the production quality of the audio and video get judged?

We will not judge the production quality of the audio and video. But providing us with the best audio and video you can will help ensure we can focus on your songwriting.

3) What if I have a songwriting partner or we submit our song as a band?

You can submit as the sole songwriter, a group of songwriters or a band.

4) Can I submit more than one song?

You can only submit one song.

5) What if I’m signed to a record label or have artist management/agency representation? Can I still participate?

You cannot currently be signed to any record labels. However, if you self-release your own recordings then you are eligible.

6) Do I have to include the word(s) in the contest’s prompt in my song?

There are no parameters as to how you choose to integrate the prompt into your song. It can be overt, subtle, metaphoric, direct, indirect, etc.

7) Can I use AI (artificial intelligence software) to help me with my songwriting?

The spirit of this contest is all about HUMAN songwriting. So please no use of AI software. Remember, WXPN is rhythms not algorithms!

8) Can I use song ideas I already have in development?

We ask that you develop your song from scratch in the 24-hour period.

9) Can I sample other musicians’ work in my original song?

Your submission cannot contain material that could violate intellectual property rights or that could be copyright infringement. Your video also shouldn’t feature any music that you did not originally write and perform. Unfortunately, sampling falls under these categories.

10) Can I have other musicians perform the song I wrote?

Yes. You are not required to perform your song in the studio. The songwriter(s) should complete the registration and submit the song. There will be a place in the registration to list the performer(s) of the song. However only the songwriter(s) will be considered eligible for the prizes.

11) If the song I sing or perform on is written by someone else, and it wins a finalist or grand prize, who gets the prize?

The songwriter(s) listed in the registration will be the sole recipient of any prizes. It is fully up to the songwriter(s) to determine if/how the decide to share in any prizes.

12) If I sing or perform on a song submitted by someone else, can I still submit my own song that I wrote?

Yes you can. However remember you may only submit one song that you are listed as the songwriter.

13) Got Questions?

Contact us!